Prototyping: Inspiring STEM Students Beyond University

Natali Evagorou
5 min readNov 29, 2020



This article explains the process followed in the Prototyping course of the MSc Interaction Design that is jointly offered by Cyprus University of Technology and Tallinn University.

The objective of this course was to design a prototype following the instructions of a toolbox that has been designed to bridge the gap between men and women in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields.

Understand the Topic and Challenge

I went through a variety of sources that helped me gain multiple perspectives on the topic and bring together my observations. Some of them are the following:

It seems that women are interested in joining STEM careers but they lack role models and support from their surroundings to remain in the field. Women have the competence for STEM jobs but gender stereotypes especially during university and in the working environment later push them to abandon the field and do other jobs because they don’t feel confident enough or because the tasks are not fulfilling. Especially because such jobs are male dominant, men must be educated to recognize the skills of their women peers and give equal opportunities.



I came up with the idea of a website that will provide online courses in the fields of STEM. The courses will be paid online synchronous sessions and will concern people of all genders that are already enrolled in STEM studies providing additional knowledge beyond university. The name of the website will be STEM Beyond University.

How will your website bridge the gap between males and females in STEM fields?

All courses will be provided by women educators to make the role of women in these fields visible. Such a platform will inspire women as they will see other women’s success and development. The women instructors will also share experiences and stories of overcoming challenges in their fieldwork and give tips for interviews. At the same time, men participants will have the opportunity to learn from female professional instructors and read their stories overcoming gender stereotypes that concern their study field and appreciate women’s skills more before entering a profession.

Generally, the website will offer:

  • A wide range of online synchronous courses. Every course will consist of online weekly synchronous sessions. The knowledge in these courses is complementary beyond university, built with professionalism, and updated with the latest trends in STEM fields.
  • A Blog with daily tips and strategies to succeed in an interview, for overcoming challenges in the workplace, and pursue a career promotion.
  • Job opportunities and seminars exclusively for women to help them find a job easier through a network and educate themselves through professional seminars around the world.
  • Consulting services where students can talk to experts about concerns during studies and in job selection.
  • Visitors will be able to donate money on the website to support their goals and efforts.

Draw Inspiration

I had to check out other websites for inspiration. One of them was Women Who Code, a website that empowers women in technology.

I noted down what I thought had worked well or not on each website. I paid attention to visual style, navigation, interactive elements, and presentation style in order to have an idea of what to implement.


I visualized the pages of my website through a series of sketches using the Balsamiq Wireframes tool. Here are some sketches:

STEM BU Homepage
Technology Courses View
My Bookings view & Contact page

Then, I created the visual material that I would need for the website like product images, logos, icons, and the intro text.

The logo of STEM BU

Stitch together

I decided to use the WiX platform, a powerful and easy-to-use tool for creating websites. After I found the theme I liked, I transformed it into my idea. I liked the fact that courses could be offered through synchronous live sessions using Zoom, and not through pre-recorded sessions.

While constructing the website I was surprised by the potentials of such a website in order to inspire and support STEM students more while studying at university. While constructing my website, I came up with ideas like career opportunities and seminars that can be promoted from all over the globe. At the same time, the website can collaborate with open universities and other online platforms that provide online learning at attractive prices. Consulting services can be also offered where students can talk to experts about concerns during studies and in job selection.

Finally, through my website, a student would be able to see what a job requires and go after those necessary skills and knowledge before their first interview, which we all know is difficult and, in many cases, some experience is needed.

You can find my website here.

STEM Beyond University website


The most rewarding part of my experience was the fact that I managed to implement a remarkable first draft of my idea. I am sure that with further development it will indeed become an inspiring place for STEM students of all genders beyond university. I really enjoyed implementing my own website based on the knowledge I’ve gained.



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